Monday, December 8, 2008

Yay, vampy awesome yarnie goodness!!! :D

So.... Today I got my package from the amazing Miss Chrissy and it was chuck full of awesome! :D She was able to score a luscious custom OOAK skein of The Fabulous Miss Krysten's (aka Gherkin) 2-ply handspun in a sinfully vicious vampy red, called "Velvet Pulse." Srsly you guys, this is some gorgeous stuff, and sooooooo soft!! It's my very first handspun too, so it's that much more special! ^_^ And since it was a joint effort from two buds, I'm beyond squeeness! ;) I also got some sinfully yum lip gloss with a Twilight theme-- Edward! ;) and an adorable handmade bracelet that her sister made for me in Edward colors!!! LOVE! --hasn't left my wrist folks, I plan to be buried with it! ;) I got a vampire stitch marker, and bookmark, some soaks, and a Twilight magnet, too! The magnet and stitch marker were hidden in a mystery ball. I'd never heard of this concept before, and it is frickin adoramous! ^_^ (unwind, unwind, unwind, SURPRISE! ) I'm so excited about all my new goodies, now!! :D Thanks so much, Chrissy!