Time Capsule

Here's a look at past clubs and their respective colorways:

All Roads Lead to Rome
Inspired by the HBO series "Rome"

  1. Mark Antony
  2. Titus Pullo
  3. Gaia
  4. Servilia of the Junii
  5. Gaius Octavian Ceasar
  6. Lucius Vorenus
  7. Eirene
  8. Niobe
  9. Julius Ceasar
  10. Atia of the Julii

Socks of the Bard
Inspired by the works of William Shakespeare

  1. Hamlet
  2. Titus Andronicus
  3. Macbeth
  4. Midsummer Night's Dream
  5. Othello
  6. Merchant of Venice

Time Machine
Inspired by famous/notorious historical figures

  1. Marie Antoinette
  2. Ghengis Khan
  3. Ezebet Bathory
  4. Al Capone
  5. Alexander the Great
  6. Da Vinci
  7. Elizabeth I
  8. Bonnie Parker
  9. Emperor Nero
Horrors of History; Torture Through the Ages
Inspired by historical torture devices, all OOAKs

  1. The Halifax Gibbet
  2. The Iron Maiden
  3. The Rack
  4. The Iron Boot
  5. The Pear of Anguish
  6. The Garrotte
  7. Herectic's Fork
  8. The Judas Pyramid
  9. The Brazen Bull
  10. The Scold's Bridel