Here's a look at past clubs and their respective colorways:
All Roads Lead to Rome
Inspired by the HBO series "Rome"
- Mark Antony
- Titus Pullo
- Gaia
- Servilia of the Junii
- Gaius Octavian Ceasar
- Lucius Vorenus
- Eirene
- Niobe
- Julius Ceasar
- Atia of the Julii
Socks of the Bard
Inspired by the works of William Shakespeare
- Hamlet
- Titus Andronicus
- Macbeth
- Midsummer Night's Dream
- Othello
- Merchant of Venice
Time Machine
Inspired by famous/notorious historical figures
- Marie Antoinette
- Ghengis Khan
- Ezebet Bathory
- Al Capone
- Alexander the Great
- Da Vinci
- Elizabeth I
- Bonnie Parker
- Emperor Nero
Horrors of History; Torture Through the Ages
Inspired by historical torture devices, all OOAKs
- The Halifax Gibbet
- The Iron Maiden
- The Rack
- The Iron Boot
- The Pear of Anguish
- The Garrotte
- Herectic's Fork
- The Judas Pyramid
- The Brazen Bull
- The Scold's Bridel